
Do we put together our own belief systems? What does this say to those of us who, as Christians, are part of what gets called ‘organised religion’?


What is the message of the book of Ecclesiastes? How should we understand it? It’s perhaps one of those books that we don’t spend much time reading or thinking about. However, it’s one of my favourites, so this is my sermon about it!


What links the Large Hadron Collider and Moses? The work of a scientist, a poet, and a theologian? They are all motivated by a sense of wonder, a desire to discover more. I explore this in my sermon.

Story and myth

Stories and myths are an important part of our lives and our faith. I think that this can make us uncomfortable, not least because it can imply that they’re somehow not true. We can also feel that we are put at a disadvantage by admitting this; science deals in facts and we deal in stories…

Speaking in tongues

The Guardian was writing In Praise of Nonsense Lyrics earlier this month, in words that made me think of speaking in tongues. They wrote: “Sometimes inarticulacy is a virtue, connecting us with emotions that we do not have the means to express, or sometimes were not even aware we felt. And sometimes it’s simply fun…

Wondering about wonder

I spoke at Greenbelt 2011 on the subject of wonder: Wonder is more than an emotion, more than a thought. It is experienced by scientists, artists, theologians. It drives people to create new things, to make new discoveries. What does the experience of wonder tell us about what it means to be human? What role…