Thinking about Hell

We don’t think about hell enough! And that is damaging our understanding of humanity and Christianity. That’s the challenge that I encountered last week, and now it’s Advent Sunday, which is traditionally a time of preparation for Christmas, with a focus on the Four Last Things: death, judgement, heaven, and hell.

Our Father

The Lord’s Prayer is a vital part of our faith, which is used regularly in public and personal worship. But, how often do we think about what it means? What does it mean when we refer to God as ‘our Father’?

Love in action

What does love actually look like? How do we show our love, for God and for each other? It’s easier for us to see that (and a lack of love!) in other people, but this is an encouragement to think about putting our love into action.

The Power of the Spirit

Understanding the power of the Spirit is an important part of our Christian life: God calls us to work in his power, together, for the good of the whole of his creation. We’re not supposed to do this on our own!

Church growth

How can we grow the church? In what ways are we tempted? In what ways do those temptations lead us away from growth, personal and corporate? This sermon was inspired by a day conference led by Bob Jackson, on growing our churches.